Octopus a German bestseller
THE SOUL OF AN OCTOPUS by Sy Montgomery (Agency: Simon & Schuster/Gallery Books) German rights: c/o Mohrbooks sold to Mare Verlag Spiegel Bestseller #12 (Hardcover Non-Fiction)
THE SOUL OF AN OCTOPUS by Sy Montgomery (Agency: Simon & Schuster/Gallery Books) German rights: c/o Mohrbooks sold to Mare Verlag Spiegel Bestseller #12 (Hardcover Non-Fiction)
We are excited that Hanser Verlag just published historian Philipp Blom’s new book The World Unhinged. He explains how climate change, industrial processes and migration correlated in the rise of the modern world during the Little Ice Age when Londoners walked across the Thames in winter to see a Shakespeare play. A thing of the past? The German edition entered Amazon’s bestseller list at number 75 (all … Continued
Nominated for 6 Academy Awards, LION is being released in German theatres. It is based on Saroo Brierley’s memoir A LONG WAY HOME. The German translation is available from Ullstein Verlag to whom we sold the rights on behalf of Penguin Australia.
Inspired by Johnny Cash’s only song in German, our author Milena Moser insisted on calling her new novel «Hinter diesen blauen Bergen». What does it mean? Google translate it! And get in touch with Milena’s German publisher Nagel & Kimche (or us) to inquire about translation rights.
Congratulations to Paul Auster, the great narrator from Brooklyn. Congrats to Rowohlt and to our wonderful client, Carol Mann. Here is the list.
Hotel? check. Restaurant reservations? check. Badges for Olympia? check. Rights lists?…..
Translated by Zoe Beck and published by Suhrkamp, this sequel to the legendary SIX DAYS OF THE CONDOR has been listed by Die Zeit as one of the best crime novels published in 2016 in Germany.
Long cold winters and short hot summers. Climate change in the 17th century was dramatic. Crop ran out, economy and society were shaking. The world was in a deep crisis. Historian Philipp Blom recounts the beginning of the modern during the little ice age and how it unhinged the world we live in today.